
Baby Gift Set: Roll neck baby sweater and pant set
Baby Gift Set: Roll Neck Sweater and Earflap Hat gift set
buy this great handknit merino wool toddler set - in infant sizes, too!
Our Beautiful Gift sets are just the ticket: Hand knit and hand made, they make wonderful baby shower gifts, or new baby gifts. Our delightful gift wrap and custom cards top it all off!
NEW: Striped Baby Cardigan
NEW: Monets' Garden Multicolor

Luxury Baby Gifts

Gorgeous Handknit baby Blankets: A wonderful new baby gift!
Baby booty & baby booty gifts sets for preemie, 6mos and 12mos in gorgeous colors and styles.

Shopping for a new baby gift can be incredibly difficult. How do you give something to a baby that will show how special you know she or he is? Another toy, another book-except for a classic few, they aren't
the one-of-a kind gift we want to give.
Can we tell you about the oohs and aahs a handknit from fabsweater
gets at baby showers and birthdays? There' s nothing like a gift of
a beautiful baby sweater - especially a handknit.
Let us help you pick the perfect handknit shower gift for an infant, new baby or that special handknit something for a mom-to-be. Let us know that you're shopping for a new mom and you'll receive 10% off your purchase.
Just Email us and and you'll receive your free new mommy discount code!
Celebrate Invitations Huge selection of custom printed birth announcements, festive invitations for all occasions, fine stationery, Christmas cards and holiday cards, all at discounted prices